Find the Perfect Fit: How to Choose the Right NPM Packages for Your Projects Needs

It is important to evaluate npm packages before adding them to a project for a few reasons. First, for personal projects, the package should meet the individual user's needs and requirements.

For company projects, the needs and requirements will likely be more stringent. The package should meet the company's needs and requirements, as well as industry standards. The user should consider the functionality, quality, maintainability, security, compatibility, licensing, and size of the package. Company projects should also take into account the maintainer's responsiveness and the package's changelog to ensure the package is actively maintained and supported. Additionally, company projects should consider the package's impact on performance.

Evaluating Packages

There are number of areas to evaluate, so lets go through and break them down:


When evaluating the functionality of an NPM package, it's important to consider whether it meets your needs. Start by reading the package's documentation and examples to understand what it does and how it works. You can also try using the package in a test project to see if it meets your needs.


There are several ways to evaluate the quality of an NPM package:

  • Check the package's ratings and reviews: You can find these on the NPM registry or on GitHub. Positive ratings and reviews from other developers can be a good indication of the package's quality.
  • Check the package's documentation: Is the documentation clear and concise? Is it well-organized and easy to follow? This can be an important factor, especially if you are new to the package and need to understand how it works.
  • Check the package's code: If the package is open source, you can browse the code to see if it is well-written and easy to understand. This can give you an idea of the package's quality and maintainability.
  • Maintainability

    Maintainability is an important factor to consider when selecting an NPM package, as you want to make sure that the package is actively maintained and supported. To evaluate the maintainability of an NPM package, you can check the package's GitHub repository to see if the maintainers are responsive to issues and pull requests, and if they have released updates recently. You can also check the package's changelog to see if the maintainers are actively fixing bugs and adding new features.


    Ensuring that your project is secure is crucial, and one way to do this is by using secure npm packages. To evaluate the security of an npm package, you can check if the package has had any known vulnerabilities, and whether the maintainers have fixed them. The npm registry displays any known vulnerabilities for each package, and you can also use tools like npm audit to check for vulnerabilities in your project's dependencies.


    Compatibility is another important factor to consider when selecting an NPM package. You want to make sure that the package works with the version of Node.js and other dependencies you are using in your project. To evaluate the compatibility of an NPM package, you can check the package's documentation to see if it is compatible with the version of Node.js and other dependencies you are using. You can also use tools like npm-check to check for compatibility issues in your project.


    The license of an NPM package can impact your ability to use the package in your project, so it's important to consider the license when evaluating NPM packages. To evaluate the licensing of an npm package, you can read the package's license and make sure it is appropriate for your use case. You can also use tools like license-checker to check the licenses of your project's dependencies.


    The size of an NPM package can impact the performance of your project, so it's important to consider the size of a package when evaluating it. To evaluate the size of an NPM package, you can check the package's size on the NPM registry or use tools like bundlephobia to see the size of the package and its dependencies. This can help you determine whether the package's size is reasonable for your needs.


    When evaluating the quality of an NPM package, it is important to verify if it is well tested. Looking at the package's source code and documentation can help indicate the level of testing done. Testing is an important part of the process when evaluating NPM packages because it allows maintainers to identify and fix bugs before releasing the package to the public. By running automated tests with tools such as Jest, maintainers can catch bugs and issues early, before they become a problem for users. Additionally, testing can help identify security vulnerabilities and incompatibilities that may arise as the package is updated. By taking the time to properly test the package, maintainers can ensure that the package works as expected and is secure for users.

    After leading a few projects, it's important to lay out criteria before adding packages. Without a set of criteria to evaluate packages against, it's easy to get stuck with a package that may not be the best fit for the project. Before adding a package, consider the functionality it provides and its quality, maintainability, security, compatibility, licensing, and size. Be sure to compare packages to see which one is the right fit for the project. Additionally, make sure the package is well tested and the source code is easy to understand. Taking the time to evaluate packages before adding them can help ensure that you are using the best package for the project. Finally, don’t forget to show appreciation to the authors of the packages you’re using, even if it’s a small amount. Doing so will help to ensure that the packages remain well maintained and supported.