Introducing Instant Bun: A Toolkit for Streamlined Indie Hacker App Development

Welcome to the world of Instant Bun, a modular JavaScript framework designed to simplify and streamline the development of indie hacker apps for hobbyists and developers alike. Born from a passion for lean and efficient software, Instant Bun is a toolkit that empowers engineers to create tailor-made solutions with minimal dependencies and reduced abstraction layers. With a wide array of applications, from content management systems to IoT projects, Instant Bun's modular approach allows developers to handpick the tools they need, resulting in faster and more efficient applications. This framework encourages developers to rethink software development, viewing each project as a unique problem requiring a custom solution. Instant Bun not only offers a versatile, developer-friendly environment, but also invites contributions to foster a constantly evolving set of modules for the community. Discover the potential of Instant Bun as we dive into its features, philosophy, and applications, and join us in our journey to revolutionize software development.

Technical Overview

Instant Bun is a toolkit designed for hobbyists to simplify and streamline the development of indie hacker apps. The goal is to create a lean and fast toolkit with no extra dependencies. Some features of the project are in progress, such as code generators, error handling, data fetching, file and directory utilities, GPT prompt generators, markdown and HTML utilities, SQLite utilities, validation utilities, and more. There are also some features that are not started yet, such as a CLI tool, web page rendering utilities, and web server utilities.

To get started, you can install the dependencies with

bun install
and run the project with
bun run index.ts
. The project is initialized using Bun v0.5.9, a fast all-in-one JavaScript runtime.

The project's goal is to build a fully functional, type-safe, full-stack web app with a focus on ease of use and quick response times. There are some limitations, such as using only Bun as a dependency and building everything from scratch in a reusable way.

The project structure consists of various modules, each designed to be modular, unit-testable, and export things that are worth using outside the module. Modules include generated, html-formatter, markdown-to-html, error-handling, types, files-folders, sqlite-interface, gpt-utils, validations, templating-engine, fetch-utils, code-generators, scripts, web-page-render, and cli-utils.

To install Instant Bun in your Bun app, use

bun add
, then import the desired module, such as
import { fetchUtils } from 'instant-bun'
. To watch tests, run
bun --watch test
. The motivation behind the project is to improve development processes and learn more about Bun.


To get started with Bun and Instant Bun, follow the steps below:

  • Install Bun: First, you need to install Bun on your system. Assuming you have Node.js and npm installed, run the following command in your terminal or command prompt:This command installs Bun globally on your system.
    curl -fsSL | bash
    This command installs Bun globally on your system.
  • Create a new Bun project: To create a new Bun project, navigate to the directory where you want to create the project and run the following command:
  • Replace "my-instant-bun-project" with your desired project name. This command creates a new Bun project in the specified directory.
  • curl -fsSL | bash
  • Install Instant Bun: Now, navigate to the newly created project directory using the command
    cd my-instant-bun-project
    . Then, run the following command to install Instant Bun:
  • This command adds Instant Bun as a dependency to your Bun project.

    bun add
  • Create a script using an Instant Bun module: In your project directory, create a new JavaScript or TypeScript file, for example,
    . Import the desired module from Instant Bun and write your script. Here's a simple example using the
  • Run the script: To run the script you created, use the following command in the terminal or command prompt:
  • By following these steps, you've installed Bun and Instant Bun, created a script using one of the Instant Bun modules, and executed the script using Bun.

    Okay but WHY another JavaScript framework

    Instant Bun offers a unique approach to software development by providing a collection of lightweight, modular utilities that can be combined to solve a wide range of problems. By breaking down complex software issues into smaller, more manageable pieces, Instant Bun enables developers to build efficient, resource-friendly applications that can run on a variety of devices and platforms.

    One of the primary benefits of Instant Bun is its ability to address specific software problems without the need for heavy, monolithic frameworks. This means that developers can craft solutions tailored to their needs, without being bogged down by unnecessary dependencies or features. The modular nature of Instant Bun allows for better code reusability, streamlined development, and easier maintenance, all while keeping the overall project lightweight and efficient.

    Here are a few profound ideas that can be explored using Instant Bun, considering the technical limitations of the software:

  • Smart Home Automation: Utilizing Instant Bun's lightweight architecture, developers can create applications that can run on low-power devices like Raspberry Pi or IoT devices to control and manage various aspects of a smart home, such as lighting, temperature, and security systems. This would allow for a more energy-efficient and customizable home automation solution.
  • Decentralized Social Networks: By leveraging Instant Bun's modular approach, it's possible to build a lightweight, decentralized social network that can run on a variety of devices, from powerful servers to low-resource systems. This could contribute to a more equitable and open internet, where users have greater control over their data and interactions.
  • Edge Computing Solutions: Instant Bun's efficiency and resource-friendly nature make it an ideal candidate for edge computing applications. Developers can build edge computing solutions for various industries, such as agriculture, manufacturing, and logistics, to process and analyze data locally, reducing latency and improving overall efficiency.
  • Efficient Mobile Applications: With its lightweight and modular approach, Instant Bun can be used to create mobile applications that consume fewer resources, resulting in faster load times, better performance, and improved user experience on a wide range of devices.
  • Resource-Constrained Environment Solutions: In scenarios where computing resources are limited, such as rural areas with unreliable internet access or disaster-stricken regions, Instant Bun's lightweight architecture can be instrumental in developing applications that can still function effectively under these conditions. Examples include local communication apps, offline data collection tools, and emergency response systems.
  • By focusing on breaking down complex software problems into smaller, more manageable components, Instant Bun empowers developers to create innovative and efficient solutions tailored to their unique needs, while maximizing resource usage and minimizing dependencies. The possibilities are vast, and I hope you see the value in this approach, as it challenges the traditional approach to software development and encourages a more streamlined and resource-conscious mindset.